The Journal Gazette: Five questions for Stéphane Frijia, President & CEO, NEI

NEI’s President and CEO Stephane Frijia recently completed a Q&A with The Journal Gazette. An excerpt from the article:

Q: NEI recently awarded the first Pioneer Award and the Pioneer Starts Here (PSH) digital storytelling movement. Why is celebrating northeast Indiana businesses and leaders key to growing the region?

A: We have pioneered a new and interesting way to market a region. There is an old saying that you should never let advertising get in the way of your product. For NEI, our product is the people of the region. Highlighting and magnifying these inspiring stories demonstrates that great things can be done, right here, and by everyday people.

The stories and the people are relatable because materials like our video series allow them to speak freely about their challenges as well as their victories. And, that’s what we want – authenticity and real stories by the real people who did it here in northeast Indiana.

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