Air Trade Center

Property Details

Type of space: Industrial

Min Size: 5 acres

Max Size: 432 acres

For Lease: Yes

For Sale: Yes

Current Use: Greenfield Site


Street Address: Fort Wayne International Airport

City: Fort Wayne

County: Allen County

Zip Code: 46809


For Lease: Yes

Lease Terms: All acres

For Sale: Yes

Sale Terms:
limited acres

Current Use: Greenfield Site

Contact Us For More Information

Property You're Interested In:
Air Trade Center

Company: Greater Fort Wayne, Inc.

Contact Name: Scott Naltner

Address: 200 E. Main Street, Suite 800

City: Fort Wayne

State: Indiana

Phone: 260.420.6945



432 acres of industrially zoned land, access to 12,000-ft. runway, conveniently located near I-69 and I-469, Foreign Trade Zone #182, 24-hr U.S. Customs and FAA air traffic control services. Airport designed to 747-400 Standards (Design Group V). With easy-in, easy-out access, shippers can cut air cargo turnaround time in half. The Air Trade Center is located southwest of Fort Wayne. The site is bounded on the west by Coverdale Road, on the north by Winters Road, and on the south by Pleasant Center Road. The site is bordered on the east by Fort Wayne International Airport. All utilities are available, including access to the Verizon fiber optic network. Long-term land leases are available from the Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority.

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