A Reflection on Regional Collaboration Over Past 10 Years

This week, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on how far regional collaboration has come along over the past 10 years, as the Northeast Indiana Regional Authority (RDA) and Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) begin the process of reviewing and approving the first batch of READI 2.0 projects.

Northeast Indiana’s (NEI) proactive approach and steadfast commitment to regional collaboration have played a crucial role in the success of the Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority (RDA) and various state initiatives. Through strategic planning, effective project implementation, support from the private sector, and continuous advocacy, NEI has fostered a more vibrant and competitive region, setting a strong example for others across the state.

The Northeast Indiana RDA was first formed in 2016 – with its board elected by the members of the Mayors and Commissioners Caucus – to coordinate and oversee regional development efforts, beginning with the Regional Cities Initiative (RCI), ensuring that projects were strategically planned and effectively executed. This initiative aimed to combat Indiana’s most significant economic threat—population decline and stagnation—by investing in local quality-of-place projects designed to make our region a more attractive place to live.

The “Road to One Million” was an application created by NEI, Greater Fort Wayne Inc., and others and submitted on behalf of the RDA to secure funding through the RCI. As a result, in 2016 the RDA was awarded $42 million to fund transformative quality-of-place projects and leveraged $258 million in private capital.

A few years later in 2021, Governor Eric Holcomb launched the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI). This initiative aimed to continue the momentum of regional collaboration by dedicating $500 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

This time Northeast Indiana’s response came in the form of the “Growing With Vision Plan” which claimed the max award of $50 million. As this program wraps up, we expect a total of $510 million in additional public and private investments.

Then again in 2023, READI 2.0 was announced as part of Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Agenda, with another $500 million in State funding dedicated to continuing these efforts, and Northeast Indiana claiming yet again the max award of $45 million, as well as the recognition of having proposed the most strategic advanced plan in the state.

Coupled with an additional $30 million secured by the Northeast Indiana Strategic Development Commission (SDC), which enlists the RDA as its administrative agent, in 2023 over less than 10 years Northeast Indiana has received $167 million, with the potential of reaching $1.7 billion in total investments designed to catalyze organically additional investments, significantly contributing to the region’s economic vitality and attractiveness as a place to live and work.

Many have asked how this happened? The key to this success has been the strategic vision and leadership provided by savvy public and private leaders, strongly supported by NEI and its private sector funders.

NEI played a pivotal role in creating the RDA by bringing together local government, business leaders, and community members to promote regional growth. NEI’s private sector supporters played a crucial role in funding the RDA’s initial framework and ongoing operations. This support not only helped secure funding for significant projects but also assisted project owners in navigating complex procurement and federal processes.

Since its formation NEI has been a relentless advocate for regional collaboration, continuously working to promote the benefits of the RDA and this type of regional investment, but also looking at the future post-READI. There will still be a need for continuously improving infrastructure, enhancing quality of life, and fostering innovation, all of which are crucial for attracting and retaining talent in the region.

There is still much to be done, but for now, I want to express my, and my team, heartfelt gratitude to all our partners, founders and allies. Let’s continue this pioneering journey.

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